Does origin matter?

We continue our series of conversations with leading European PR experts about how Ukrainian businesses can communicate effectively in Europe, dispelling myths and clarifying expectations. (For information on how to start communicating effectively, you can read here)

Speaking about the communication of Ukrainian businesses abroad, there is much to discuss. Although each country has its specifics, and each industry, and even more so, each company has its peculiarities, there are certain general features that are worth paying attention to.
Using the origin can and should be done in specific cases. In those cases where the reputation of the country and the industry brings additional benefits. For example, buying Levi's jeans connects you to a piece of the American dream, and a glass of French wine - to sophistication and taste. However, if the brand identity of the country is not fully formed, as, for example, in Ukraine, there are pros and cons.

In the EBA and PRHub for Ukrainian businesses international speakers from Austria and Latvia share their thoughts on when storytelling about origin helps and what to do if it doesn't.

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